YouTube strategy sprint

Grow or Revive Your Channel and Have a Custom YouTube Strategy in Just 4 Weeks


It’s time to get out of the content creator spiral. Let’s reach, impact, and convert more people without complicated marketing systems. 

Imagine having a marketing strategy that only requires 10% of your time and energy, while still being able to attract new dream clients to your business each month.
What if you were able to take your power back from social media algorithms, vanity engagement metrics, and trends because you are able to close more deals without having to focus on marketing every single day. 

Here’s your new cheat code, boo: YOUTUBE

YouTube is the secret sauce to creating a sustainable marketing system that keeps sending you more traffic, leads, and sales every single day.

What would happen if you finally had the strategy + support needed to make marketing the most low-lift process it has ever been? 

👉🏾 You'll start making surprise sales while you're out living life

👉🏾You'll close dream clients who are willing to do the work

👉🏾 You're not spending HOURS creating content anymore. You do 2-3 core pieces a month and hand the rest over to your team 

👉🏾 You get to show up and have fun with marketing again. There's no pressure for each post to follow a trends or the need to crack the algorithm code

Ditch the idea that hopping on multiple platforms and chasing quick trends will result in sustainable visibility. 

Let's establish goals together that produces longevity of results.

HERE’S THE truth

You're focused on the wrong things

Running a business without a strategic marketing plan is chaos. The kind that feels like you're running on a hamster wheel and no matter how hard you run you're in the same spot -- just more tired. Here's how we make your marketing strategy low-lift without feeling stagnant.

The more complex marketing is, the harder it is to measure the success. How much time and money are you wasting without knowing if what you're doing is even working? 

Let's create a simple and sustainable marketing strategy you can implement quickly without wasting your time or money on quick fixes. 

Ready to stop piecing together unaligned marketing tactics and commit 100% to implementing a low-lift marketing strategy with YouTube?

My clients get results that feel like magic, when really it’s just strategy.

They have a low-lift marketing strategy that will bring in results for years. You may have tried YouTube in the past, but you haven’t tried it with a strategic partner in your corner to get you results like …

When you have the right strategy in place these views convert into more people into your marketing ecosystem that you get to sell to. You get to show up online as the vibe you want to be because you have an evergreen content marketing system working for you behind the scenes.

This client went from having less than 80 views to having 2.2k+ views per video on average as a result of launching their low-lift YouTube strategy with me. 


This client went from having less than 50 views per video to having a channel that generates 2.5k+ views per month on average after being consistent with my YouTube strategy.


Before working with me, this client's channel had ZERO views. After 9 months, they now have a low-lift YouTube strategy that has generated over 40k+ views.


This client started from scratch with a new channel with ZERO views. After 12 months of working together, my YouTube strategy contributed to generating over 43k+ views.


Here's what's included

This is a co-creative experience for business owners who want to leverage YouTube and create a low-lift marketing system in their business. We'll create a custom YouTube strategy and be your strategic partner while you implement.

Here's a sneak peak at the deliverable:

YouTube Strategy Sprint

INVESTMENT: Starting at $2,000

YouTube Strategy Sprint

3 90-minute strategy calls across 4 weeks. This is an co-creative experience for business owners looking to leverage YouTube as a low-lift marketing system in their business. 

Here's what you can expect:

Week 1: Strategy Discovery Call 
This is a kickoff call with the CEO/president/owner, head of marketing, and key people on your team who deeply understand your customer. During this call, we learn everything we can about your company's expertise, target audience, and industry, and analyze your current marketing system. We'll get clear on your marketing objectives and use this time to get clear on any action items you will be responsible for during our time together. Think of this as a state of the union of your marketing ecosystem.

Week 2: Content Strategy + Planning Call
This call is used to review and co-create Twelve (12) keyword-specific video topics that align with the business goals we discussed in strategy discovery. You'll be presented with a few topics and keywords as a starting point, but we will use this time to finalize and make sure you are 100% onboard with the content plan. After the call, we'll get started on the rest: video title, secondary keywords/tags, thumbnail copy and thumbnail design direction. 

Week 3: Implementation + Workflow Planning (No Call, Slack discussion as needed)
This week is dedicated to getting clear on the next steps needed to implement the content plan and get it onto your channel. You'll have resources to help you create your YouTube channel, create a gameplan to fit this process into your busy schedule, and how to organize YouTube in your project management tool so you and your team can be as efficient as possible. You'll have access to Jamar via Slack to brainstorm, ask questions, and get feedback. 

Week 4: Strategy Refinement + Wrap Up Call
This week is dedicated to Jamar reviewing and giving personalized feedback on any action items you need. We'll wend with a wrap up call to make sure you have everything you need to confidently implement the YouTube strategy.  

☁️ Monthly Group YouTube + Integrated Marketing Strategy Calls: Have access to Jamar and get your questions answered. Whenever you get stuck on an action item in your strategy and need a little help come to the call and ask your question. Can’t make a session? You’ll be able to submit your question and have it answered so you can watch it later. Replays are available.

☁️ Monthly Co-working: Need time to brainstorm topics, create your scripts, film your video, or work on other marketing tasks? This is dedicated time on your calendar where everyone can come together and get things done.

☁️ Access to Live Workshops: Get real-time access to trainings taught LIVE about YouTube and integrated marketing strategy so you can always live in your Low-Lift Marketing™ era.

☁️ Low-Lift Club™ Shop Digital Products: Get instant access to every digital product in the shop so you can learn and implement at a time that’s convenient to you.

☁️ Training Library: You’ll have access to an always-expanding knowledge base with tutorials trainings, and templates to help you create ONE unified strategy across all your marketing platforms while creating a content strategy and marketing system that will last you for years.

☁️ YouTube Video Editor Directory: Get instant access to an ever expanding list of high-quality video editors who align with Jamar’s standard for best practices of YouTube video editing and thumbnail design strategy.

☁️ Low-Lift Club™ Community + Member Directory: 24/7 access to a daily chat of other visionary leaders who are committed to making marketing only 10% of their focus. Use the directory to learn about one another and connect individually. 

Being a member of the Low-Lift Club™ includes:

INVESTMENT: $97/MONTH (cancel at any time)

Get everything in the base Low-Lift club™ plan plus:

☁️ Bi-weekly Group Live Review + YouTube Strategy Calls: Have access to Jamar and get your questions answered. Whenever you get stuck on an action item in your strategy and need a little help come to the call and ask your question. These calls also include live material reviews. Jamar will review and give feedback on anything marketing or YouTube-related for you on this call. Can’t make a session? You’ll be able to submit your question and have it answered so you can watch it later. Replays are available.

☁️ Private Group Chat for support between calls: Get access to our private group chat to celebrate wins and ask for feedback, where Jamar is just a "@" tag away and drops in regularly to provide strategic direction, coaching, and inspiration.

Note: This plan requires a 6-month commitment 

This Level of the Low-Lift Club™ includes:

6 monthly payments of $583.33 (Or $3k PIF)

Your investment starts at $2,000, but it's hard to put a price tag on getting quality traffic you don't have to pay ads to get, doubling your email list, or making passive sales from content you created months or years ago. Thats's the beauty of this strategy. It will continue to generate results for you for years to come. 

How much does a YouTube strategy sprint cost?


When you sign up for a YouTube Strategy Sprint, the process is very simple.

1. Upon payment, we'll schedule a 2-hr strategy session to dive into your goals, ideal client, etc. You will be sent a questionnaire before the call that will be used to help me make this session as efficient and productive as possible. 

2. You'll then have access to book your other 90-min sessions for weeks two and four. 

3. On week two we review and finalize the strategy together.

4. throughout this entire time you'll have access to Jamar via slack to ask questions, brainstorm ideas or ask for feedback.

What's the process like?


This service is best for business owners with a specific expertise and brands who want to create a more evergreen content strategy to integrate with their current marketing strategy. It is not best for new business owners who are not sure of their offer, target audience, or are new to making sales in their business.

Who is the YouTube Strategy service best for?


For the duration of your business. The strategy I give you will last you for your entire business. The topic and keyword strategy I did doesn't "go bad" over a certain time. If you choose to publish these videos 6 months from now, it will still work. That the beauty of the evergreen content strategy. I'm not creating topics off of trends. These topics and keywords are things your target audience are searching for all year long. 

When you frame it like that, $2,000 is just a small investment. 

How long is my YouTube Strategy good for?


You'll have a finalized YouTube strategy by the end of week two.

What's the turnaround on a YouTube strategy


You'll receive a strategy document that outlines your marketing objectives and how YouTube is going to contribute to you achieving them. Along with the document you'll receive an YouTube content plan hosted in Airtable. It will have all the topics, prompts, optimized title, tags, and thumbnail creative direction  in one place. Here's a quick walkthrough for my visual people.

What are my deliverables and what will it look like?


During our time together, your only responsibilities will be to book your three strategy calls and complete the YouTube questionnaire 2 business days before your session.

After we've finalized your strategy in week two, you'll need to create your YouTube channel, create your lead magnet, then begin scripting and filming your videos. Once your videos are recorded you need to write your video description. Resources for all of these things will be provided to you.

When you upload your video to YouTube all you need to do is copy and paste the items in your content plan to the YouTube fields. Super easy!

What will I have to do during and after this strategy is delivered? 


Frequently Asked Questions

Ready for a low-lift YouTube strategy?